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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Freedom...Thus Far

It is at the point in the story, where one would probably say "I have finished the prologue."
It feels weird that this book is the talk of the town.  Let's both agree that at the same time a new book by Neil Gaiman or China Mieville would not get the circuit, nor the publicity, but have a stake at the same if not better literary achievement.

There seems to be a reputation as with any public popularity that is either "IN" or "OUT".  

Does it have Oprah's "O" sticker?  If not, then well, life is too short to read.
How reviews and judgements can make or break an artist and thereby the judgements of a few will limit the imagination of the masses.

In the case of this book. I know that there will come a moment where I will say out loud, "this is a good book".  At this point in time, I have yet to make that claim.

I for one am the first to admit when I am wrong, I do it every day it seems.  How can a person not admit when they are wrong, when they have children.  But, hindsight is twenty twenty.

I have to say that this is the first novel that I have read in which I can say I have a fairly large distaste for the protagonist.  Which usually means the literature is a tragedy, like Ethan Frome or MacBeth.  Time will tell.

For now, I read on.